ernie macmillan

pottersarmy rpg
harry potter canon


the sacred twenty-eight were, according to the author of the pure-blood directory, the twenty-eight british families that were still "truly pure-blood" by the 1930s. one of the families included in this exclusive list was the macmillan family, and, on 14 may 1980, the prestigious bloodline gained a new member by the name of ernest. though ernie's parents had been and always would be the greatest supporters of dumbledore and the ideals the headmaster stood behind, they were eternally grateful for their decision to further their pure-blood lineage as it offered some barrier of protection from the dark witches and wizards that were torturing and killing under the dark lord's reign.

that fateful halloween night when the dark lord was vanquished and his followers were put in azkaban allowed the wizarding world to breathe once more. however, the anxiety and fear of lord voldemort returning and wreaking havoc once more would remain. due to this looming fear, ernie was encouraged from a young age to only pursue romantic relationships with others that were pure-blooded. his parents were not prejudiced, they did not hate or loathe muggles, muggleborns, or half-bloods - they only wished their son to remain safe under the protection of their bloodline, should you-know-who returns.

with the first wizarding war having ended, witches and wizards were able to pick up the scattered pieces of their life and start over once again. ernest macmillan was able to grow up in a happy and loving environment. his love for reading and learning was heavily supported by his parents - this allowing ernie to become one step ahead of his classmates in his first year, though he would still have some issues with actual spellcasting that he was not allowed to practice at home.

in 1991, ernie macmillan boarded the hogwarts express - excited and ready to begin his adventure at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. upon arrival, ernie was sorted into hufflepuff house, which valued characteristics such as loyalty and friendship, and readiness to work. the decision to place ernie macmillan was made rather quickly by the sorting hat as there was not much contemplation on where ernie truly belonged.

it was during ernie's second year at hogwarts that he began to draw attention to himself. this was due to his belief that harry potter was the heir of slytherin after harry spoke parseltongue in front of the entire duelling club. ernie began to spread his own personal theories and conspiracies about harry potter and his connection to dark magic to his housemates. it was not until hermione granger was petrified that ernie realized that harry was utterly innocent, for he understood the bond that the pair had. though ernie was against harry, he readily supported his theories with bits of evidence that supported his claim and publicly apologized when he understood that he was in the wrong.

the next and last time that ernest macmillan openly opposed the boy-who-lived was in his fourth year when the triwizard tournament was hosted at hogwarts. for once, hufflepuff house was able to gain recognition and praise for one of their best students, cedric diggory, was to perform in the tournament. ernie was an avid supporter of the hufflepuff student and was thoroughly upset when harry potter's name was also picked from the goblet of fire. he did not believe that harry did not place his name in the goblet and merely saw the entire ordeal as potter attempting to gain even more fame and attention. like many hufflepuffs, ernie stopped speaking to harry and adorned the infamous "potter stinks" badge on his robes. after the tournament came to a close, however, and harry potter returned with cedric diggory's body, ernie macmillan immediately forgot any ill wishes he had towards the gryffindor student.

unlike previous years, during which ernie had thought ill of harry potter for certain acts he believed him to have committed, ernie was one of the very few hogwarts students that believed potter's claim that lord voldemort had returned. in fact, ernie made a public declaration of support on harry's behalf. after the beginning of the term, ernie joined dumbledore's army because of his belief in harry and because of his dismay with dolores umbridge's way of teaching (or lack thereof). ernie had always been extremely dedicated to his studies and this would become evident this year, as ernie began to study between eight and ten hours for his o.w.l exams.

as a pure-blood wizard, ernie was able to return to hogwarts for the 1997 - 1998 school year after the ministry of magic fell under lord voldemort's control. during this time, ernie joined the revived dumbledore's army alongside neville longbottom, ginny weasley, and luna lovegood. the d.a. members opposed the anti-muggle propaganda and dark arts taught by death eaters and would paint rebellious phrases on the walls along with freeing students from detention, where they would often face beatings and even torture with the cruciatus curse.

on 2 may, 1998, ernie macmillan displayed his courage, bravery, and his willigness to fight in the battle of hogwarts. rather than evacuate the school as instructed by the professors, ernie stood on a table and shouted the question of,

"𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵?"

granted permission, (though, he doubted that would've mattered) ernest fought in the battle of hogwarts with all of his might and survived.



"you might belong in hufflepuff, where they are 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 and 𝑙𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙, those patient hufflepuffs are 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒, and unafraid of 𝑡𝑜𝑖𝑙,"
said the sorting hat.

despite being somewhat pompous, ernie macmillan was loyal to his friends and always honest. in his second year when ernie had mistakenly believed that harry potter was the heir of slytherin, ernie stepped in to protect his friend, justin finch-fletchley. later in his fourth year, ernie stood by cedric diggory and his housemates by refusing to speak with harry potter for he believed that harry had placed his own name into the goblet of fire for his own personal benefit. though these two instances show ill wishes towards harry potter and negative aspects of ernie's behavior, they also display the great loyalty that ernie has to his close friends and housemates. ernie is also incredibly honest, even if when it is displayed - it is also at no benefit to harry potter. in his second year when ernie was at odds with the boy-who-lived, ernie was caught speaking unfavorably about harry potter - creating theories and conspircies about harry potter's involvement in dark magic and being the heir of slytherin. ernie was confornted about his discussion by the boy in question and rather than lie and act as if he was not speaking about harry, ernie openly confronted harry potter about his suspicions and the evidence he had gathered against the boy. for loyalty displayed in a more positive light, ernie allied himself with dumbledore's army and the order of the pheonix for the second wizarding war. never did ernie's alliances sway nor did his ideals or opinions about muggles, muggleborns, or half-bloods. when the time came to prove himself and his loyalty to the cause, ernie readily fought alongside dumbledore's army while attending hogwarts and during the battle of hogwarts.


for students that attended hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, many witches and wizards shared the same experience of acquiring their wand at ollivanders wand shop in diagon alley. the day when ernie travelled to diagon alley to purchase his school supplies, he donned his nicest slacks and the finest sweater he owned. the wand shop was the last destination on his list as his father had told him that it would be the most memorable experience. albeit, he was nervous. they say that the wand chooses the wizard, what if no wand wanted him? despite many reassurances from his mother that this wouldn't happen - the uneasy fear made his stomach churn and his palms sweat. nevertheless, ernie squared his shoulders and stood his full height ( a remarkable four feet, ten inches ) and marched his way inside the spectacular shop. after around twenty minutes within the wand shop, ernie found the wand - or, perhaps, the wand had found him. the wand was made of black walnut wood with a unicorn hair core, precisely 10 ¾" and had an unyielding flexibility.


during the battle of hogwarts in 1998, ernie fought bravely against the death eaters and other magcial creatures that attacked under lord voldemort's rule. during the battle, ernie alongside luna lovegood and seamus finnigan came to the aid of harry, ron, and hermione when the golden trio were under the attack of dementors. the three d.a. members cast patronuses to drive away the beings. it was revealed then that ernie's corpeal patronus took the form of a boar. the wild boar can symbolize strength, power, athleticism, indepedence, avoidance of unnecessary conflict, and defense. casters of the wild boar patronus are wary of letting others into their inner circle and may act ferociously to suit.


To be written


"imagine that voldemort's powerful now. you don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. you're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing. . . the ministry of magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the muggles, but meanwhile, muggles are dying too. terror everywhere. . . panic. . . confusion. . . that's how it used to be."

the first wizarding world was a major wizarding conflict , officially beginning in 1970 and ending in 1981. it marked the original "reign" of the most powerful dark wizard of all time. muggles, witches, and wizards alike were tortured and murdered during this time. this war had an everlasting affect on the wizarding world as a whole and installed a fear into every single witch and wizard of lord voldemort - so much so that they dared not even speak his name. if the boy-who-lived had not put an end to the reign of the dark lord, what would have happened? that was the source of the uneasiness. the wizarding world relied on a child to mark the end of the war. what if lord voldemort returned, what then? as ernie grew up in the wake of the first wizarding world, this fear that was shared among their world was also installed in him. there was the constant fear of lord voldemort returning and wreaking more havoc than ever before. therefore when ernie was faced with a boggart, the creature formed into lord voldemort.




ernie was proficient in the magical art of potion-making. he achieved either an "outstanding" or an "exceeds expectations" on his o.w.l. exam, as he was only one of twelve students able to advance to n.e.w.t-level potions in 1996.

ernie was shown to be proficient in charms, as during the battle of hogwarts he was able to conjure a corporeal patronus which is a very advanced piece of magic.

𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬:
due to ernie's association with dumbledore's army, he earned an o.w.l and advanced to n.e.w.t level in this subject. ernie was also able to cast the shield charm during one of the n.e.w.t level dumbledore's army lessons.

ernest demonstrated himself to be a highly capable duelist. he was educated in martial magic while in dumbledore's army. ernie also fought in the battle of hogwarts and survived the second wizarding war - this providing a true testament to his skills.


hey, everyone!

of course, you all are here for ernie macmillan and though he is a canon character of the harry potter series - i am the individual behind this specific portrayal of him! for pottersarmy, i've portrayed and written for ernie for the last two rounds in which the group was active. over this time, i've reviewed different instances that ernie appeared in the series and have studied his different characteristics - whether they be faults or virtues. hopefully, i portray his character accurately and provide this lesser-known canon some attention!

for introduction purposes, i'm maddie and you can find my spam @fiorelloz !! i've been in rp for around.. 6+ years?? hard to keep track! if any of you would like to talk, don't be afraid to message me on my pottersarmy account or my spam! <3



the scion of an old wizarding family, ernie sees himself as a voice of authority among his peers. keen to impress, ernie likes to have knowledge of all topics, which means he can be a bit of a gossip; despite his often high-and-mighty attitude, ernie is not above passing on whispers overheard in the corridors of hogwart, and is surprisingly suggestible.

incredibely proud of his family and his own accomplishments, ernie is not opposed to boasting about his hard work, academic achievements, or the bloodline he was born into.

𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 :
as listed above, ernie takes a lot of pride in his academic achievements and can become quite competitive. when studying for his o.w.l.s, ernie drove his fellow students mad with incessant bragging and hourly updates about how much revision he was cramming in. though this behavior was seen as bothersome and annoying, it displayed his insecurities - ernie needs to feel like he's doing more than everyone else.


ernie has never been one to hide away from confrontation. even if it meant standing up to, who he thought, to be 'slytherin's heir' or being the first person to speak up to fight in the battle of hogwarts, ernie doesn't hide away from a difficult situation even if he is daunted by the prospect.

he is a firm believer in doing the right thing although he often gets a bit carried away despite his (albeit misguided) intentions. ernie supported cedric diggory with a 'potter stinks' badge to show his outrage at harry's 'illegal' triwizard tournament is no exception. but ernie also stepped up more than once to help harry potter, showing his true mettle when it came to it. after cedric diggory was murdered in the triwizard tournament, ernie was one of the few students to believe his claim that voldemort was back and opnely declared his belief in and support of harry potter. despite disliking breaking school rules, ernie fully supported the idea of dumbledore's army as he believed it would be incredibly important for students at hogwarts to gain a proper education, especially when political tensions in the wizarding war were so high.

this hufflepuff may make snap judgements and quick conclusions but he never has an issue with owning up to poor judgement and he'll willingly apologize if he made a mistake.

from a young age, ernie had always been extremely devoted to his studies - even if it might reach an extreme. after taking his o.w.l exams, ernie went on to n.e.w.t level in two different classes and excelled in charms and defensive magic.